Course description

Practical Skills for Business - Business Start-up
Our Practical Skills for Business Start-up course is ideal for those who are considering self-employment or starting their own business. It offers expert business start-up advice? Practical Skills for Business is a unique business start-up course that can help you develop your business idea into a sound, sustainable business plan – ideal for would-be entrepreneurs. It covers all the key areas you’ll need to understand to get started and you’ll receive expert advice from our tutors. During the course, there will be time to work on your own business plan and to receive feedback from your Tutor. You’ll understand and develop the skills required for business/self-employment and determine the strategic direction of your enterprise. We’ll help you refine and ensure the viability of your product or service and create a comprehensive marketing plan. You’ll understand legal requirements, budgeting, cash flow and tax. If you are interested in being your own boss – this is the course for you.
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Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
Would be entrepreneurs
Training Course Content
Buisness & Management