Complementary Therapy Training Courses

Get the skills you need today! There are various medical training institutes which provide learning in such specialised therapies with acclaimed certifications and licenses to practice them.
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Variety of therapy and professional specialisations

Complementary therapies are meant to be used alongside conventional medical treatment. Those medical professionals looking to gain expertise in this area can choose from a variety of therapeutic forms. Some of the most demanded specialisations are:

  • Aromatherapy (the use of essential oils in healing, such as, flowers, fruits, seeds and roots)
  • Acupuncture (this therapy involves using needles at the pressure points and healing stress and anxiety by relieving them after short duration)
  • Herbal medicine (this is a very popular therapy for healing used since ancient times making use of natural herbs and spices)
  • Massage therapy (this method involves stroking, pressing and kneading soft tissues of the body to release pressure and pain)
  • Visualisation (using imagination as a tool to relieve stress and pain)
  • Yoga (using meditation and exercising bodily postures for physical and mental stress release)

Complementary Therapy training courses

The complementary therapy training courses offered by different schools and institutes vary depending on previously earned experience or interests in learning a specific form of therapy. The courses are arranged by tutors in many different forms to suit beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. Most of these courses are offered in traditional format with lectures from experts and practical experiments for better learning. However, some course materials may be available online for distance learners to facilitate flexibility in attending lectures at the most convenient time and location.

Some of these specialisations are reflexology, massage therapy, aromatherapy and pregnancy courses.

Skills you will gain

Candidates will be learning some essential skills such as pressure points in neck and body, releasing pressure, stretching massage skills and living anatomy. The reflexology courses instill skills in reflexology and conception, spinal advanced reflexology and thermo-auricular learning therapy.


Medical or biological sciences professionals who want to further their careers in medicine and expand earning and learning opportunities. Professionals can earn sustainable careers by getting these certifications as they help in earning licenses and start up their own chambers or serve in therapy centres. Many universities and public schools provide learning opportunities in this area in the form of degree programs and short term courses. Some even have course materials available online for the interested distance learners. This gives them flexibility to learn at their own pace and preferred time and location.