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Springboard Spring Forward for New Managers - Closed Group Course

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Springboard Spring Forward for New Managers Overview - Closed Group Course

Culture change needs to be driven from the top, when increasing diversity within organisations. It needs to be embedded however, throughout the organisation. Every employee deserves the opportunity to progress and fulfil their potential in their chosen field, regardless of their background.

Spring Forward is a career development programme for people who are approaching or newly appointed to a management role. It is also appropriate as a next step for those who have previously participated in the Springboard Women’s Development Programme or the Navigator Work and Personal Development Programme for Men.

The programme enables participants to learn how to lead a team, work on management confidence & gain insight into how gender, culture and managerial issues influence communication at work. It will include:

  • Presenting yourself positively as a leader
  • Moving up within your organisation
  • Honing your communication skills with your peers & team
  • Implementing a healthy stress management strategy
  • Building self-motivation and create a positive attitude
  • Overcoming any barriers to success

A dedicated BAME Spring Forward programme is also available to understand the specific challenges faced by minority groups. 

Spring Forward work & personal development training programme is delivered by our sister company Springboard Consultancy.

The programme is composed of 3 one day workshops delivered on-site or 6 half day workshops delivered virtually. Delivery can be tailored to suit the organisation and will be discussed further.

See also Springboard Spring Forward for New Managers - Open Course for individuals and small groups with regular starts throughout the year.

Suitability - Who should attend?

Springboard Spring Forward Suitability

Join a Spring Forward Programme to benefit from career development with a management focus. The programme enables participants to learn how to lead a team, work on management confidence & gain insight into how gender, culture and managerial issues influence communication at work.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Springboard Spring Forward Benefits

For individuals;

  • Maximise and realise their full potential.
  • Develop and enhance their interpersonal/communication and assertiveness skills to enable them to deal with a wider range of situations.
  • Gain a better understanding of the full range of qualities, skills, behaviours, experience, and roles that are expected of members of higher management roles.
  • Learn how to present themselves positively.
  • Fire the vision to their career development.
  • Gain a clearer sense of direction and career goals.
  • Be more resilient with a better work-life balance.
  • Facilitate and support self-managed learning with participants, taking responsibility for their own learning.
  • Improve and build confidence in their approach to leadership of teams, projects and leading with ideas.

For organisations;

  • Be better role models for their work colleagues.
  • Improve performance and effectiveness of managerial capabilities.
  • Increase confidence and able to give back to any team by being open, honest, supportive, and reflective.
  • Improve teamwork – better working results.
  • Contribute at a higher level and increase quality and productivity.
  • Improve their management capabilities that will in turn bring results in areas that is required.
  • Be more result oriented and strive to come up with ideas to improve business needs.
  • Not hold back and will have an active desire to learn, better themselves and the company.
  • Make sure that doors are not shut and open to ALL employers for every opportunity.

Training Course Content

Springboard Spring Forward Content

For over 30 years, and working across 48 countries, Springboard takes likeminded individuals on a transformational journey, as well as positively helping organisations change and reshape.

Please find below a snapshot of the Spring Forward training course content - 

  • You are your life now.
  • Your past supporting your future.
  • Communication styles – what are the differences and why do they matter?
  • Personal power and political intelligence.
  • Building your personal power.
  • Overcoming the barriers.
  • Putting yourself in a challenging role.
  • Gaining support for your vision of the future.
  • Managing energy and change.
  • Leadership – of teams, projects and ideas.

Course delivery details

Springboard Spring Forward Delivery

Our Open Course approach has been developed as an ideal solution for individuals and companies looking to release small numbers of employees. We run regular starts throughout the year making it accessible for all.

Open Courses are mixed, with people from different walks of life, work experience, industries and this encourages idea sharing, thought provoking insights, peer learning and of course networking.

Delivery for the Spring Forward programme (open course) consists of:

  • 3 day workshops if delivered face to face. Remotely, the programme will be split into 6 x 3.5 hour sessions over 3 to 4 months.
  • An especially written folder with background, additional information plus self-development exercises to work through, in-between workshops.
  • A system of support, for example coaching partners and/or mentors.
  • A project to be completed within the life of the programme or soon after. The organisation needs to agree the level of the project work to be undertaken with the participant.
  • Self-nomination.
  • Networking.
  • Guest speakers.

See our Springboard Spring Forward for New Managers - Open Course for individuals and small groups with frequent starts throughout the year.

Why choose CQM Training and Consultancy Ltd

Developed more than 7,000 learners

Supported more than 800 organisations

Delivered £19.5m in cost savings

Continuing Studies

Become a Springboard Spring Forward Licensed Trainer

As part of the Springboard Consultancy’s global trainer network, you too can deliver award-winning training that makes a real difference to people’s lives.

If you have a passion for personal development and believe in the importance of equality and diversity, then consider becoming a licensed Springboard Consultancy trainer. Our courses focus on personal and professional development for people at all stages of life. From starting (or re-starting) a career through to breaking barriers and achieving goals, we give people the skills they need to unlock their potential and get to where they want to go.

Whether you deliver in-house training or work independently, we can bolster your delivery. Becoming a licensed Springboard Consultancy trainer gives you the endorsement, expertise and support of a globally recognised personal development brand.

Join us and become part of the movement for global change.

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CQM Training and Consultancy Ltd
Dunston Innovation Centre
Dunston Road
S41 8NG Chesterfield

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