
Teaching Assistant

CT Skills, Nationwide
17 months
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Course delivery
17 months
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Course delivery
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Course description

Teaching Assistant

Your role as a teaching assistant is to support the class teacher, ensure pupils understand and, promote self-belief.

Teaching assistants are good role models, act with honesty and integrity, take part in team meetings; contribute to planning and class activities.

They also actively promote Fundamental British Values through spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development and positive behaviours are crucial in contributing to improved pupil progress and development

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Classroom
  • United Kingdom

Outcome / Qualification etc.


  • Delivery
  • Assessment
  • Communication
  • Technology
  • Learning and Support
  • Curriculum
  • Child Development
  • Legislation and Policy


  • Delivery
  • Assessment
  • Communication
  • Pastoral
  • Technology
  • Relationships and Role Modelling
  • Learning and Support
  • Legislation and Policy


  • Pastoral
  • Relationships and Role Modelling
  • Learning and Support
  • Professional Development

Training Course Content

  • Portfolio - developed on-programme
  • Level 2 Functional Skills Maths - if required
  • Level 2 Functional Skills English - if required

Course delivery details

Practical Observation with Questions and Answers

  • The practical observation will be carried out over 90 minutes
  • The question and answer will last for 20 minutes
  • All questions used will allow the independent assessor to further assess an apprentice on a KSB that they have partially demonstrated during the observation in order to provide additional assurance
  • Whenever possible the practical observation will be undertaken over a period of one day with each observed session lasting at least 15 minutes
  • The practical observation must take place in the normal place of work
  • During the practical observation, apprentices should have the opportunity to move from one area of the organisation to another in order to best demonstrate how they have applied the knowledge, skills and behaviours in to achieve genuine and demanding work objectives
  • It is mandatory that the observation covers the key knowledge, skills, and behaviours The practical observation must: - Reflect typical working conditions - Allow you the apprentice to demonstrate all aspects of the standard being assessed - Take a synoptic approach to assessing the knowledge, skills and behaviours as defined by this method - Be carried out on a 1-1 basis

Professional Discussion Supported by Portfolio of Evidence

  • The portfolio of evidence is completed on-programme and must be completed by Gateway
  • The portfolio content should demonstrate coverage of the key knowledge, skills, and behaviours
  • Typically it will contain 10 pieces of evidence
  • The portfolio of evidence should be provided to the independent Assessor at least two weeks prior to the agreed professional discussion date
  • The portfolio of evidence itself is not assessed – it is used to inform the direction of the professional discussion and as supporting evidence in response to questions asked
  • The professional discussion will typically last 90 minutes
  • The professional discussion will take place after the practical observation has been completed It is a structured conversation with the independent assessor to establish understanding and application of the knowledge, skills and behaviours

Why choose CT Skills

The average completion rate throughout other training providers sat at 51%. However, we achieved over 10% higher sitting at 61.8%!

94% of our learners would recommend CT Skills.

We are graded ‘Good’ by Ofsted and were also graded 4 stars out of 4 (Excellent) by our employer partners on the government’s Find Apprenticeship Training website in 2022!

Continuing Studies

  • Teaching Assistant
  • Learning Support Assistant
  • Specialist Support Assistant
  • Support for Specialist Curriculum Areas