Professional Training

Energy Markets of Today

edX, Online
5 weeks
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
5 weeks
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Self-Paced Online
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Course description

Energy Markets of Today

Energy markets are governed by the laws of economics. Generators and consumers interact to shape the transactions in the energy markets, and thus the energy system. But how does the 'invisible hand' of economics show up in practice? What determines electricity prices and why are they always changing? Why is it so difficult to encourage investment in electricity generation?

This course will help you understand the functioning of energy markets as the necessary first step to promotion of the energy transition. By using the European electricity market as an example, you will obtain a deeper understanding of its principles and effectiveness.

You will investigate four main areas:

  • the basics of the energy markets;
  • the operation and design of those markets;
  • how policy makers can promote investment in electricity generation;
  • how the electricity network operates and how network tariffs are determined.

Insightful videos will explain the driving factors behind energy markets. Interactive assessments will demonstrate how the merit order is chosen for different types of markets and how this determines the market price. Live practice sessions will take you through the auctions and marketplaces where electricity trading takes place today, giving you invaluable knowledge on the inner workings of these markets and the effects of network capacity.

Whether you are interested in learning about how the merit order in energy markets works or how the European electricity market is organized; or interested in understanding the economics behind electricity consumption, examining the economic problems of incorporating renewable energy sources into the current system; or simply want to become informed about what makes the energy markets tick -this is the course for you.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Start anytime

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?



Outcome / Qualification etc.

What you'll learn

  • How energy markets operate, including regulation and market organization;
  • To identify different market models and understand what affects the operation of the electricity sector;
  • Why policy makers need to incentivize investment and how it can be done;
  • How the electricity network operates and how network tariffs are determined.

Training Course Content

Week 1: Key elements of energy markets

An introduction to the basics of energy markets, the main players and how market organization, regulation and liberalization affect the energy market.

Week 2: Different types of market models and what effects the energy market

The different models for energy market structure are described and the importance of time and geographical dependence as they affect energy markets.

Week 3: The economics of generation investment and capacity mechanisms

An introduction to the problems that occur with investment in energy generation and potential solutions in both the current energy system and renewable-energy-based systems.

Week 4: Energy Networks and congestion management

The energy network and how it recovers its costs in the EU as well as looking at congestion management across borders.

Week 5: Case review

Course delivery details

This course is offered through Delft University of Technology, a partner institute of EdX.

4-6 hours per week

Top 10 Awards

Energy Trading Badge 2024

Top 10 Winner - 2024

We're delighted to announce that edX is a winner in our Top 10 Energy Trading Courses 2024 category.

Each year, we select the Top 10 most popular courses on our site in some of the most popular categories to make it easier for our users to find the right course for them - so you can book with confidence.


  • Verified Track -$129
  • Audit Track - Free