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Overview of the Energy Markets: Virtual

ICE Education, Online
4 days
1,850 GBP excl. VAT
Next course start
5 November, 2024 See details
Course delivery
Virtual Classroom
4 days
1,850 GBP excl. VAT
Next course start
5 November, 2024 See details
Course delivery
Virtual Classroom
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Course description

This workshop is delivered virtually over four mornings and aimed at delegates who wish to gain detailed insight into the global energy markets. This virtual course provides a practical introduction to the markets of: oil, natural gas, electricity, coal and emissions markets. It covers the driving forces behind the current markets and identifies the key factors for future market developments. You will also be introduced to core trading mechanisms and risk management approaches utilised in these markets.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

5 November, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online

Suitability - Who should attend?

  • Those with limited knowledge of oil, gas, electricity, coal and emissions markets who require an overview of the factors that affect the industry
  • Dealers in physical and paper markets
  • New entrants to the energy markets
  • Government departments dealing with energy issues
  • IT staff of energy organisations
  • Settlement/administrative/operations people
  • Energy and derivatives publications
  • Individuals working in organisations such as: trading companies, banks, brokers, oil producers, consumers, refiners, distribution companies, government and association organisations.

Training Course Content

08.45: Technology check in to ensure all technology working and that all delegates have required access.

Course will start at 09.00 GMT.

  • Exploration & Production Reserves, production trends, US shale
  • Power generation
    • Conventional & nuclear power, impact of renewables
  • Transport
    • Tankers/pipelines, oil & gas, growth of the LNG industry
  • Storage
    • Storage limitations, carry costs, price volatility in gas and power markets
  • Refining
    • Crude quality, GPW, simple & complex refineries, uses of oil products
    • Supply & demand
    • Economic influences, oil, gas, power & coal price drivers
  • Market evolution
    • Oil, pricing & benchmarks, US LTO production, OPEC & large producers
  • Natural Gas
    • EU liberalisation, gas market development, Asia LNG trade
  • Power markets
    • UK competitive power market, EU liberalisation, resistance of incumbents, success of liquid markets
  • Coal
    • Coal trading Expansion & decline of international coal, environmental impact, search for alternatives
    • Renewables/carbon
  • EU Emissions Trading Scheme, phase 3 backloading & emissions reserve, progress in other global regions
  • Trading & risk management
    • Spot & term contracts, Forward & Future markets, role of exchanges, hedging, OTC & cleared bilateral trades

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ICE Education
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