Course description
Project Finance
- Understand what is meant by private equity and why it is becoming increasingly important
- Understand the structure and strategies of private equity funds
- Know which equity products should be used when structuring a transaction to maximise returns / minimise downside
- Have a practical knowledge of every stage of the investment process, from deal origination through to exit
- Be able to detect accounting tricks and conduct sector analysis
- Be familiar with key terminology specific to the sector
Upcoming start dates
Training Course Content
Segmentation and definition
private equity strategies
venture capital
growth equity
leverage buy out
Market participants
Closed end funds
partnership structures (general partner, limited partners)
economics (management fee, hurdle rate, carried interest)
cash flows and J curve
financial returns
Equity products
ordinary shares
preferred shares
other equity instruments (warrants, shareholder loans, etc)
Due Diligence
Business due diligence
macro factors
industry analysis
Porter’s 5 Forces Model
structure of a sector
cyclicity and seasonality
company analysis
company positioning and strategy
competitor’s analysis
strategic analysis of a business plan
Accounting due diligence
quality of earnings
ratio analysis
cash flow analysis
creative accounting
Business Plan
Profit & loss
Balance sheet
Cash flow
Discounted cash flow
Adjusted present value
Modelling example
Practical Session
Modelling examples and case study
Private Equity
Growth equity
differences between venture capital, growth equity and leverage buy out
key concepts
pre money vs post money valuation
capitalisation table
dilution and equity stake calculation
antidilution provisions
structuring for exit
the growth capital method
put and call options
Leverage Buy Out
key concepts
typical LBO candidate
step by step construction of a LBO
a typical capital structure of an LBO
differences between LBO and recapitalisation
value creation in LBOs
LBO analysis
back of the envelope LBO analysis
LBO model in a nutshell
Monitoring, value creation and exit overview
value creation
trade sale
secondary/tertiary sale to financial buyers
Practical Session
Modelling examples and growth equity case study
Legal Documentation
Confidentiality agreement (or non-disclosure agreement)
Letter of intent
Term sheet
Private equity legal documentation
constitutional documents
memorandum (or deed) of incorporation
articles of associations or by-laws
share purchase & investment agreement
investment agreement
the shareholders’ agreement
Average rating 5
This is a very good course. The course content was designed in a very logical way. Excellent.
Detailed explanation, very good powerpoint presentation. Very good speaker. Entertaining. Perfect knowledge of subject.
- Online course price: £1799 + VAT if applicable
- London course price: £2199 + VAT = £2638.80
Request info
International Faculty of Finance - IFF Finance - Specialist Training Courses
As one of the world's leading specialist financial training organisations, The International Faculty of Finance provides participants in the global financial markets with intensive technical training programmes designed to help them succeed on the global stage. Established in 1991 we...
Excellent. 360 perspective of all stakeholders in the process, all aspects covered.