Leisure / Fun Classes

Figurative Art (All Levels)

12 weeks
12 weeks
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Course description

Figurative Art (All Levels)

The course will cover various aspects of working with a life model, including life drawing and painting, portrait drawing and painting, creating compositions inspired by contemporary artists and old masters. The tutor will explain and demonstrate key observational skills and painting and drawing techniques. Continuing students or students with experience, in discussion with the tutor, will have the opportunity to develop their own projects and areas of interest; this will include agreeing on individual objectives and making a plan to achieve the outcomes. Your tutor will give you individual practical and technical support when required as well as encouraging you to refer to the work of a range of figurative artists.

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Suitability - Who should attend?

All Levels

Outcome / Qualification etc.

The courses begin with explanations of theory followed by group or individual demonstrations which will then allow learners to put them into practice during the sessions.

Developing key learning and observational skills are intrinsic to the course and will enable students to progress to working with colour and painting. They will also be looking at and learning from various artists.

Course delivery details

Materials Required: HB, 3B and 6B pencils, putty rubber, medium/thick charcoal. Later on in the term we will be using oil pastels, oil paint, water colour or acrylic, and the tutor will explain the pros and cons of those materials and working with colour.

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