Leisure / Fun Classes

Introduction to Drawing

12 weeks
12 weeks
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Course description

Introduction to Drawing

You will learn the basic principles of observational drawing, beginning with simple shapes and proportion through to conveying volume and space. You will learn to use pencil, charcoal and pastel to describe form and light. Using a variety of materials you will explore different forms of description and expression. Subject matter will range from domestic &'still life' objects, food, vegetation portrait and the human figure. Each week will focus on a particular theme with exercises in exploring ways we see and experience the world and the use of the drawn mark to record that experience. We will discuss the work as a group at the end of each session. Using AV presentations and resources from the school library we will look at the work of different artists for guidance.

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Suitability - Who should attend?

This course is for students with little or no drawing experience.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

What will I achieve? You will learn the basic principles of observational drawing and be shown how to interpret visual information. You will have the opportunity to develop your drawing techniques and experiment with a variety of materials. The aim of the course is to help you to develop your observational skills further and build your confidence when recording what you see and experience

Course delivery details

Materials Required: What to bring to the first session: Pencils, charcoal, erasers, sharpeners and paper can all be bought at the school. Masking tape or clips to hold paper on your drawing board (supplied) are also available. Bring pencils (2B, 4B) a plastic eraser, a pencil sharpener and an A3 sketch book (cartridge paper), 2 sheets of A2 white cartridge paper (available in the shop) to the first session.

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