Vocational & College Courses

Portrait Painting (All Levels)

12 weeks
12 weeks
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Course description

Portrait Painting (All Levels)

The aim of the course is for students to be able to achieve an acceptable &'likeness' through the practice of constant observation and visual enquiry and to understand the underlying anatomy and structure of the head. Students will look at the fundamentals of drawing and painting an expressive and painterly portrait. This may be focusing on the head and shoulders or the full figure if preferred. Students will begin to refine their ideas on composition through drawing and by making a small-scale tonal study before beginning to work on a longer painting. There will be regular one-to-one tuition throughout each session and at the end of each pose there will be a group discussion as we look at each other's work.

This course will offer a mix of studio-based working alongside a continuing Zoom element which will allow participants a greater flexibility while allowing smaller focused groups in the studio. Please expect to attend a small number of sessions via Zoom.

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Suitability - Who should attend?

Suitable for all levels, although some prior drawing experience would be helpful

Outcome / Qualification etc.

What will I achieve? Students will develop their observational skills through drawing and from intensive work from a sustained pose. You will look at all aspects of making a well composed portrait; from setting-up to colour-mixing, and how tone and colour temperature can be used to describe structure, shape and proportions of the head. You will develop your painting skills, using a medium of your own choice. There will be guidance on composition, proportion, tone and colour-mixing both individually and as a group. We will make reference to portraiture throughout history as we study colour relationships, tonal values, composition and paint application.

Course delivery details

Materials Required:What to bring to the first session: Please bring basic drawing equipment if you have them already and a sketchbook (A4 or A3). Alternatively all art materials are available for sale at the school including paper by the sheet, pencils, charcoal, putty rubbers and erasers. As you progress towards painting you will be given advice on suitable media and the range of colours required. Students can work in watercolour, acrylics or oils. Advice on materials, up to date methods and practical help will be given, in order that you may be able to realise your potential as an artist.

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