Vocational & College Courses

Sculpture in Ceramics, from life model (All Levels)

12 weeks
12 weeks
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Course description

Sculpture in Ceramics, from life model (All Levels)

In this course you will explore the possibilities and limitations of clay: terracotta/white/crank/mixed body. You will do this through a variety of structured exercises based on direct observation from the life model. These will incorporate timed work (short poses), constructing/building in clay, anatomical studies (hands & feet) and working on longer poses over a period of weeks. You will gain a basic understanding of how to render proportion and will learn how to apply perspective. We will look at the revealing effects of light on surface texture (form) and how to convey a sense of movement, tension and emotional depth in the clay figure. You will learn through the process of making a series of clay studies; each encounter with the work you make and your subject of study will challenge you in a different way. Using the learning resources in the School, and with group visits, we will look at a broad range of figure sculptures made from early civilisation up to the present day. This will help to give an art - historical context to work made in the studio sessions. Along with occasional taught drawing activities, students will be encouraged to develop a more personal and sustained drawing practice that examines relationships between sculpture, 'mark- making' and a haptic response.

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Suitability - Who should attend?

The course is suitable for all levels of ability; beginners, intermediate and advanced students.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

What will I achieve? As the course progresses, students will be encouraged to apply their acquired knowledge into producing an ongoing body of sculptural work based on their own ideas. You will learn to prepare clay work for firing and to select appropriate tools. Your work will be regularly analyzed and discussed with both your tutor and in a group environment.

Course delivery details

Materials Required: The main materials that you will be using are provided here at the school. However, further into the course you may decide that you require more specialist sculpting tools, in which case your tutor will be happy to assist you. There is a charge made by weight on all pieces made at the school.

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