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Risk Assessment Certification Training Course

Rcademy, Online (+4 locations)
3 days
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Course description

Choosing a risk assessment training course at Rcademy will give you all the necessary skills to understand the essence of safety risk management as a primary factor for a successful company exposed to or dealing with hazardous tools and environments. It is essential to such companies that the threats and safety factors be evaluated and assessed continuously in a structured design. Reasonable control of risks is also a requirement to determine the effects of potential safety hazards, create an effective mitigation strategy and adopt It effectively. In this Rcademy course, all the participants will analyze their organization’s risk control activities by properly recognizing hazards, giving effective management to mitigate safety risks, and structuring activities to lower damage and loss due to hazardous facilities and tools. Also, you will perform effective safety meetings, administer compliance rules and regulations, and utilize the traits approach and the human aspect in safety management.

This risk assessment certification course at Rcademy aims to provide you with more excellent skills and knowledge of safety, health, and environment control aspects, emphasizing its essence in the workplace. This Rcademy course will also illustrate the importance of the human element in any successful risk and safety assessment structure by focusing on individuals’ duties and how their traits include the effectiveness of such designs. The analysis skills are to focus and emphasize the sections where the effects of hazards get more severe.

How to assess hazards in the workplace?

For a person to assess hazards in the workplace, they need first to do regular workplace inspections. Doing a review will help a person identify areas where there is a possibility of risk and help prevent the risks before they happen. Also, a person can interview the workers and the managers to get insight into the areas with a high probability of threats. Lastly, an individual can create a hazard map by drawing the entire workplace and marking potential and existing threats. Employees have a vital role in identifying workplace hazards since they understand the workplace better.

Which is the essential part of risk assessment?

One of the essential parts of risk assessment is correctly identifying the hazards in your workplace. Understanding how to identify the potential areas of risk and the potential risk is vital since it helps prevent them.

The Risk Assessment Certification Training Course by Rcademy will empower you with the basic skills needed to raise safety and risk assessment within your organization. In addition, the Rcademy program will provide delegates with insight and guidance into implementing legal needs in the workplace.

Suitability - Who should attend?

The objectives of The Risk Assessment Certification Training Course by Rcademy are to enable professionals to:

  • Understand the purposes and importance of safety and risk management
  • Apply the learned knowledge and skills to document and classify potential and actual threats associated with tools and facilities
  • Understand the quantitative risk assessment methods
  • Understand the hierarchy of assessments
  • Understand the hazard recognition techniques
  • Understand the general prevention principles
  • Understand how to do a risk assessment
  • Determine how to apply risk assessment to usual workplace situations
  • Understand the concepts and the application and failures tracing techniques
  • Determine the compliance and identification of the correct international standards for machinery in dependability safety
  • Understand how to advise managers on the most effective management techniques based on the risk analysis
  • Apply the learned skills and knowledge of risk assessment and hazard identification to machinery and processes

Training Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Risk Assessment

  • Overview of safety Risk management
  • Importance of the requirement for safety engineering
  • The safety system process
  • Examples of major disasters

Module 2: Factors of Safety Management Structure

  • Fundamental aspects of safety management systems
  • Various types of management systems
  • Measurement methods
  • Reactive and proactive assessment of performance
  • Audits and the viral aspects
  • Competencies for auditors

Module 3: Safety Culture

  • Positive and negative dimensions
  • Human Factors and safety culture
  • Natural penalties and their effects
  • Herzberg, Taylor, Maslow, and McGregor’s theories
  • Behavior determinants

Module 4: Risk Assessment Methods

  • Safety system life cycle
  • Identification of hazards checklist
  • Safety management
  • Workplace, process, work tools risk assessment
  • Task-based risk evaluation

Module 5: Hazard Identification

  • Identification of hazard
  • Hazard management
  • Hazard identification methods
  • Steps for risk tolerability
  • Design out hazards
  • Safety analysis in engineering
  • Safety standard codes, international and national
  • Safety analysis in manufacturing
  • Safety analysis in chemical activity

Module 6: Machinery and Work Tools Safety

  • Identification of machinery hazard
  • Procedures and causes for prevention of machinery accident
  • Failure techniques
  • Conducting a failure mode assessment
  • Human Aspects in software safety
  • Human error and performance
  • Safety Analysis and human factors

Module 7: Reliability Technology

  • Causes and types of failures
  • Methods of Prevention of Failures
  • Reliability of systems and components
  • Types of Inspection and maintenance regimes
  • Reliability and design of control systems
  • Safety integrity stages SIL selection
  • Reliability and structure of a protective system
  • Consequence analysis

Module 8: Consequences Analysis

  • Types of fire
    – Jet
    – Flash
    – BLEVE
    – Cascading fires
  • Dispersion modeling software
  • Types of explosions
  • Event tree analysis (ETA)
  • Quantification of risk

Course delivery details

This Rcademy training course will enable you to learn about the topics covered in the course outline using proven adult studying materials and facilitation methods. The seminar techniques include role play, case study, and group discussions to evaluate and analyze companies’ primary challenges in risk assessment. The student’s understanding will be assessed through quizzes, experimental studying, assignments, final exams, and company group development strategy audits. There are in-depth instructions for all the activities in the program at Rcademy. Note that the success of the studying partition process relies on your role in reading the assigned resources, such as text chapters and other instructional resources given during the course. The final exam will allow the participants at Rcademy the chance to show the things they learned beyond this course to their major. The instructor will monitor all learning activities to help ensure that they meet the intended learning goals.

This Rcademy program in risk assessment is specially structured to give participants professional growth skills and knowledge.

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