Course description

If you are a complete beginner but would like to get to grips with digital photography and improve the images you take then this evening course is for you. You'll need access to your own digital (single lens reflex) camera and a memory stick or hard drive for storage. This fun, relaxed, sociable and informal course will show you how to get the best from your camera. You will learn about: - Seeing, interpreting and composing an image - Exposure adjustments - Special effects including black and white photography - Introduction to image manipulation software (such as Photoshop) cropping an image, straightening an image and red eye correction - Output to printer A variety of teaching techniques will be used including lecture, demonstration and group discussion. A variety of practical homework tasks will be set and you will get the chance to discuss your work with fellow learners. there is an additinal charge of 10 for use of college printing materials.
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Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
In order to get the best from the course, you should have your own DSLR camera and a memory device.