Undergraduate Education

Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)

3 years
3 years
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Course description

On a course with small class sizes that’s personalised to your interests, you’ll explore the theoretical and practical factors that influence sports performance, health and wellbeing. You’ll learn how scientific principles can improve health and elite performance – while seeing for yourself how the latest technological innovations can support these improvements. You’ll gain the real-world experience, inspiration and skills you need to progress in sports & exercise science, education and research.

You’ll learn and train in sophisticated facilities on one campus – from our sports hall and conditioning suites to our full-size outdoor 3G pitch – and our small class sizes mean you’ll have great access to them. The Human Performance Lab is where you’ll spend most of your time – fully-equipped with 3D analysis, integrated force plates, gas & bloods analysis, heart rate and GPS monitoring. It’s an elite setup allowing you to analyse sports performance from both a physiological and biomechanical perspective, specifically designed to support interdisciplinary learning.

Training Course Content

During your first year of study you will start to develop a theoretical understanding of the sub-disciplines of sport and exercise science (physiology, biomechanics and psychology) and explore the key practical skills in these areas. You will also examine some wider issues related to sport and health and also learn and refine the research and key skills you will require to succeed on your course.

In the second year you will enhance your knowledge and skills of the sub-disciplines that will then lead into interdisciplinary study of distinct topics such as exercise nutrition, performance analysis and strength and conditioning. There will also be a continued focus on data collection, processing and analysis. You will also get an opportunity to experience industry through your work placement module.

In the final year of the course you will have the option to pick the sub-disciplines you want to specialise in and areas you want to learn more about that are contemporary and current. You will have options that cover both sports performance and health depending on what you have developed an interest in over the previous two years.  This will also be the year when you embark on your dissertation which is an independent piece of research. Typically on this course this involves collecting data on human participants in a variety of settings and producing new knowledge. You will get the opportunity to present this at a conference at Newman.

By the end of your course it is our aim to have produced an individual with a range of knowledge, skills and experiences that creates work ready students for the 21st century.

Course delivery details

  • With small class sizes we can personalise your course and you get easy access to sophisticated kit.
  • All our sports facilities are on one campus in close proximity
  • You’re taught by experienced experts who support elite athletes and conduct research
  • This course includes valuable work placements, field trips and opportunities for international trips
  • The programme has lots of practical and lab-based work for you to develop your own research and relate your studies to practical sports situations.
  • You’re supported to complete academic modules that are vocationally relevant, ensuring you’re in a strong position to progress in your chosen career.
  • The broad nature of modules in your first year means you can change to the second year of another Sports programme if you’d like to.

The teaching methods and course content are informed by relevant professional bodies including the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES), the Association of Physical Education (AfPE), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and the European College of Sports Science (ECSS).

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Birmingham Newman University
Genners Lane, Bartley Green
B32 3NT Birmingham

Birmingham Newman University

Founded in 1968, Birmingham Newman University is a community-focused institution based in Bartley Green, Birmingham. It has built strong partnerships with many local businesses, charities and schools, making it an ideal choice for students wishing to gain practical experience during...

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