Professional Training

Smart Grids: Modeling

edX, Online
6 weeks
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
6 weeks
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
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Course description

Smart Grids: Modeling

The smart grid of the future is a complex electrical power system. Its study, design, and management requires the integration of knowledge from various disciplines including sustainability, technology and mathematics.

Smart grids show a level of complexity and heterogeneity that often cannot be covered by analytical methods. Therefore, modeling and simulation are of great importance.

This course follows on from the first course where the key definitions, concepts and challenges in a smart grid are introduced. In this second course, you will apply modeling tools to study and analyze the performance of your self-designed intelligent electrical power grid. By modeling smart grids, you will explore the integration of renewable energy sources into a grid, its dynamics, control and cyber security.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?



Outcome / Qualification etc.

What you'll learn

  1. Identify the impact of variable renewable energy sources (VRES) and smart energy demand on electrical power grids,
  2. Identify different tools and approaches to design a smart grid,
  3. Apply optimal power flow (OPF) solutions to evaluate the performance of an electrical power system with integrated renewable energy sources,
  4. Analyze intelligent electrical power system dynamics (frequency stability) to achieve active power balance, and
  5. Identify control-room technologies for system-wide remote monitoring, protection and risk management of smart grid cyber security.
  6. Simulate a 9-bus grid, with and without variable renewable resources,
  7. Analyze the impact of "intelligent" but common grid disturbances on an electrical power system, and
  8. Mitigate the possible negative impacts of grid disturbances on power systems through the use of controllers.

Course delivery details

This course is offered through Delft University of Technology, a partner institute of EdX.

4-6 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$129
  • Audit Track - Free