Course description

This Course is specially designed to enhance Communication skills and gain advanced skills in Office Management. It will help identify key features of the role and will navigate through all the components and techniques for operating an efficient support team. This course will update your interpersonal skills, communication skills and other skills required to have effective office management and gain advanced administrative skills.
The "Advanced Office Management and Effective Communication Skills" course is designed to equip professionals with the advanced skills and strategies necessary to excel in office management roles and communicate effectively in the workplace. Geared towards office managers, administrative professionals, and team leaders, this course offers an in-depth exploration of advanced office management techniques and communication strategies.
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Why choose Global Business Advisors
Courses delivered across the UK, Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East
We design the module and engage in learning experiences anytime, whether it is local or global facilitation you need.
Experienced and highly qualified trainers provide a distinctive learning experience customized to your needs.
Average rating 4
The course fee begins at $4,250 and varies by classroom location. For specific pricing, please contact the provider.
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Global Business Advisors
GBA the name highlights as a one-stop for diversified training. We are one of the most upcoming UK-based training companies offering extensive training with a wide range of training courses. We are based in the UK with venues across the...
I thoroughly enjoyed completing this course, it covers a broad range of topics that are widely applicable to my current role