Course description
This course will suit beginners who have studied German for one e aim of the course is to develop your ability to understand and respond to spoken and written German. It will help you to communicate effectively in authentic situations. It will help you to ask for information in various contexts: in your leisure time in sports, dance and learning; in your profession and workplace; visiting a city as a tourist; and in the context of health. The focus of the course is on conversation and you will learn the basics of German grammar so that you can begin to manipulate the language. You will develop the listening skill to understand what people say and gradually be ready to cope with the unexpected. You will be encouraged to build up your own vocabulary lists and to consolidate material covered in class between lessons. The course books are "Schritte International 1" (Hueber) units 6-7 and "Schritte International 2" units 8-10. The latest editions of the Collins Easy Learning German Dictionary and Collins Easy Learning German Grammar are also invaluable resources for learners as they begin their study of German. By the end of the course you will have covered the following main topic areas: shopping for and speaking about food, ordering food and drink in a restaurant, hobbies, leisure time and abilities; agreeing/disagreeing in a conversation; reporting events and activities in the past, discussing the weather, professions and speaking about rules; understanding information in brochures; parts of the body asking about feelings; describing appearance; writing a letter. You will also gain some understanding of basic German grammar including: spelling and punctuation; articles and cases; possessive articles; the perfect tense; separable verbs; the imperative; the past tense; modal verbs; temporal prepositions.
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Suitability - Who should attend?
Outcome / Qualification etc.
No Qualification