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Patisserie and Confectionery - Level 2

Merton College, In Sutton
1 hour
650 GBP
1 hour
650 GBP
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Course description

Patisserie and Confectionery - Level 2:

This course will teach you specialist pastry, cake and confectionery techniques with an emphasis on practical learning for those who want to specialise in this skilful, creative and demanding area of cookery. You will be learning in our specialist patisserie kitchen on equipment that you'd expect to find in the industry's top pastry kitchens. We enter several competitions as a way of boosting your creativity and skills - already our students have been successful and won awards so you will be building on good foundations.

Some of the speciality items you will create are: Hot and cold desserts and puddings; Paste products; Biscuit, cake and sponge products; Fermented dough products. Assessment: Practical and written assessments with internal and external moderation. After completion of this course, students will move onto: Patisserie and Confectionery Level 3.

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Suitability - Who should attend?

Students need to have: Three GCSEs grades A*-G/9-1 including English or Maths; OR other related qualifications and experience.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

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