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Frequently asked questions

  • The duration of first aid training varies depending on the course. Basic first aid courses typically last a few hours, while more comprehensive courses like CPR and first aid may take 6-8 hours. Advanced courses can last multiple days.

  • First aid training is a course that teaches individuals how to provide initial medical care to someone who is injured or experiencing a sudden illness. It covers skills such as assessing injuries, performing CPR, managing bleeding, and responding to emergencies until professional medical help arrives.

  • When attending first aid training, it's best to wear comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement, such as athletic wear or casual clothing. Avoid wearing restrictive or tight-fitting clothes. Closed-toe shoes are recommended for safety, and it's a good idea to bring extra layers in case the training room temperature fluctuates.

  • The cost of first aid training in the UK can vary depending on the level of certification, location, and training provider. Generally, basic first aid courses can cost between £20-£100, while more comprehensive courses like CPR and first aid may range from £50-£200. Advanced courses may cost several hundred pounds. Prices may vary, so it's best to check with specific training providers.

  • The validity of first aid training certification can vary depending on the country or organisation that issues the certification. In some cases, basic first aid certifications may expire after 1-3 years, while more advanced certifications like CPR and first aid may need to be renewed annually or biennially. Check the specific guidelines of the certifying organisation or regulatory body.

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