Course description

Funds, Hedge Funds and Asset Managers
The overall goal of this course is to provide participants with a structured analytic framework for the credit analysis of retail funds, alternative / hedge funds and asset managers.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
Commercial and investment banking professionals responsible for credit risk management and origination. The course is also appropriate for a wider audience of risk managers, consultants, bankers, regulators and other professionals who need to understand the key risk issues of the asset management industry.
Outcome / Qualification etc.
Credits: 16 CPD pts.
Key Learning Outcomes:
- Assess the risk profile of a fund’s structure, investment strategy, leverage and liquidity
- Understand financial criteria to benchmark the performance and risk profile of a fund or hedge fund
- Identify key macroeconomic and market drivers in the funds sector and relevant current and proposed regulation
- Identify the due diligence considerations for evaluating a fund manager
- Early warning signals of hedge fund manager problems
- Evaluate the structural risks of exposures to funds
Why choose Fitch Learning
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Over 1,300 clients worldwide
CPD recognized
Average rating 4.8
The presenter was very knowledgeable and kept the course interesting. She was able to adapt the content to both beginner and experienced participants
The trainer was informative and entertaining.
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Fitch Learning
Part of the Fitch Group, Fitch Learning partners with clients to enhance knowledge, skills and conduct. With centers in London, New York, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong, we are committed to questioning and understanding client needs across the globe and...
Jo has great industry experience and was a great trainer.