Leisure / Fun Classes

Advance Digital Photographic Practice

10 weeks
10 weeks
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Course description

Advance Digital Photographic Practice

The aim of this course is to develop each student's personal creative vision from building on what has been learnt on the lower level courses. We all see the world in our own unique way. Therefore, the tutor will help you to discover how to translate your personal vision photographically. For that a specific photographic project will be set with the goal of giving you a deeper understanding of photographic practice, while unleashing your personal creativity.

This will be achieved through interactive online lectures, critiques sessions of your pictures and discussions. There will be a substantial practical element with lively photo shoots in various locations in the city.

There will be time developing your ideas, critiquing your work and providing feedback, leading to the editing and sequencings of your pictures. All of these elements will eventually guide you to develop your own project and personal vision.

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Suitability - Who should attend?

Good knowledge and experience of using an SLR Camera.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

You will develop both your technical knowledge of photography and find your own personal creative approach when taking images.

By the end of the course you will have gained the necessary skills to create a cohesive body of work, or substantial work in progress, which could then be made into a portfolio.

Course delivery details

Materials Required:You‘ll need to have a digital camera, which could be a DSLR, bridge or mirror less camera. The quality of camera isn’t important. As this course is partly online you will need a computer or tablet with an Internet connection and microphone. All online sessions will be delivered using Zoom with some location meetings often using the PSAD Digital Studio.

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