Course description
Adobe Photoshop: Advanced
Learn the techniques necessary to create, manipulate, and edit professional-quality images with skill and precision. This Photoshop course is suitable for designers and photographers who have working experience in Photoshop and want to take their skills to the next level.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
For more information on suitability, please send an enquiry here
Training Course Content
Selection Techniques
- Using the pen tool to create paths
- Using channels to generate selections
Advanced Type
- Understanding the type tools
- Creating type on paths
- Advanced typography controls
- Using type layers as masks
Design Techniques
- Adjustment and fill layers
- Working with layer groups
- Working with smart objects and smart layers
- Working with vector layers
- Creating versions of a composition using Layer Comps
Advanced Masking
- Layer masks - generating masks based on selections and other content
- Working with vector masks
- Creating clipping masks
Effects and Filters
- Working with the Vanishing Point filter
- Using warp transformations
- Smart Filters - converting layers, modifying parameters, masking
- Layer styles - creating styles, going into depth with style parameters
Advanced Adjustments and Retouching
- Using selective adjustments
- Levels in detail
- Using the Black and White command
- Working with Photo Filters
- Highlights and Shadows
- Channel mixing
- Understanding colour channels
- Saving selections as channels
- Working with spot colour channels for Pantone
- Alpha channels - channel operations and other techniques
- Using channels with filters
- Automation - creating and running Actions
- Batch processing with Actions
- Creating action based droplets
- Creating a contact sheet
Why choose SquareOne Training
25 years' experience of delivering quality IT Training Services
All trainers Certified Microsoft Office Trainer (MOS) or higher
Public and in-house training throughout the UK
Average rating 5
For information on pricing for this open/scheduled course, please send an enquiry here
This course can also be delivered in-house and tailored to meet the particular requirements of your organisation.
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Blending different aspects of photoshop and using them together.