Professional Training

Healthcare Leadership Program

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Course description

Healthcare Leadership Program

The Healthcare Leadership Programme is a two-day leadership training programme based on developing leadership skills to enable the delivery of ever-improving high-quality care. Strong healthcare leadership is fundamental to influencing the way care is given, ensuring it is high quality, safe and compassionate.

Progressing from manager to leader is one of the most difficult transitions for both individuals and the health organisations they work for. Essential skills for being an effective leader include motivating, inspiring, and supporting others in the team. Through a combination of taught seminars and a powerful assessment tool, this leader training allows you to make the key behavioural changes needed to reach your full potential.

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Outcome / Qualification etc.

Attendees at the Healthcare Leadership Programme will benefit from:

  • Appreciation of the difference between management and leadership.
  • Knowing when and how to manage, when and how to lead.
  • Understanding personal behaviours based on self-reporting and feedback from colleagues.
  • The ability to assist managers in “letting go”, reducing micromanagement, and stepping out of the management comfort zone.
  • To move managers into situational leaders.
  • To give those in middle management the confidence to try new ways of leading their teams.

Training Course Content

Subjects covered in the Healthcare Leadership Programme include: 

Current Reality

In this session, we consider the implications of our current way of thinking. We examine the barriers that prevent us from reaching our full potential as leaders and which limit our efficacy as individuals. By understanding the barriers to effective thinking, we can begin to take positive steps toward transformation and raised performance.

How the Mind Works

We offer a comprehensive model of how the thought process operates on both a conscious and subconscious level to form and solidify our beliefs, habits, expectations and attitudes, both as individuals and as leaders. This is critical for understanding how to make changes that are permanent and pervasive.

Effective Thinking

With a clear understanding of how we think, we now consider the type of thinking that we should begin to adopt. Key areas of focus are the establishing of a positive internal dialogue (or self-talk), attitudes, and the importance of setting challenging goals aligned to personal and organisational objectives.

Vision Reality

Having laid a foundation for positive personal and professional transformation, we now offer insight and practical techniques for achieving this. Participants are given a method for setting and assimilating goals and an understanding of the motivation required to do so effectively.

Organisational Culture

Culture is the shared beliefs and values guiding the thinking and behaviours of an organisation and its members. This session examines the impact of a constructive organisational culture on the performance and efficacy of those working within it. Using sophisticated diagnostic tools, we consider the current culture in relation to a desired or ideal culture.


The greatest impact on organisational transformation, whether in the private or public sector, comes through the transformation of leadership behaviours. In this part of the course, we look at the skill set of highly effective leaders with an emphasis on the impact they have on the people they are responsible for.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Wellbeing has become an essential part of any organisation’s business model and objectives. Not only does well-being improve employee retention and talent acquisition but it also creates a positive brand image while boosting the morale and loyalty of the workforce. In this part of the course, we look at how we can improve our well-being, and the well-being of others and explore what other support is available within the organisation.

Course delivery details

One of the greatest challenges facing organisations is the elevation of managers to leaders. This is particularly true in the case of middle leaders, as the increase in overhead for organisations trapped in this manager/leader interface is very significant.

Investing in middle managers is a key ingredient of future performance for any ambitious organisation. The importance of their contribution as they grow into leaders cannot be emphasised strongly enough.

The Healthcare Leadership Programme (HLP) focuses on this challenge by developing leadership skills, building resilience, and supporting the mental wellbeing of those within the organisation.


  • October 10-11, 2022 in person at Adelphi House
  • February 13-14, 2023 as a virtual classroom
  • June 5-6, 2022 in person at Adelphi House

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