The most annoying office personalities

Explore common quirks and behaviours that can impact your workplace, and see if you recognise any in your office.

Most annoying office behaviours

The Most Annoying Office Personalities

Regardless of the industry or type of environment you work in, there are some key elements of business etiquette and professional behaviour that are universally accepted as being necessary to maintaining good vibes in the office. With cramped spaces and high levels of stress often creating a base level of tension, we all need colleagues to help us cope with a considerate, professional attitude.

Unfortunately it would seem that some colleagues still haven't gotten the memo and are intent on irritating us until we are at our wits' end. Here is how they do it.

Known as: Mr. Chews-a-Lot

Remember when your primary school teacher asked you to eat your food without making noise? Well, some of us kept that in mind while others chose to lend a deaf ear to that particular piece of advice. Here comes the colleague who chews like his life depends on it. Every bite sounds like a nightmare and can cause even the calmest person to lose their head.

Known as: The Pep Talker

The constant interrupter of work and conversations. Just when you thought eating loudly was the most annoying thing, here comes the brand ambassador of happiness, the person with a self-proclaimed responsibility to visit every desk and put a smile on everyone’s faces. No thanks! Please get back to your seat and let people quietly sip their hot coffee in the morning. You'll no doubt generate a lot more smiles that way, even if they're caffeine-induced.

Known as: The Busybody

The self-appointed Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock needs to know every detail about everyone else's lives, particularly if it regards a personal problem or event that has nothing to do with work. The truth is, colleagues can be friends, but on most occasions the relationship will end at "the guy I sit next to in the office and chat with every once in a while". And that doesn't really give you the right ask about their bowel movements, does it?

Known as: The Toilet-Hogger

Since we're talking about calls of nature, some colleagues can directly interfere with your ability to do your business. No one wants to know what you do in there, but if it takes longer than five minutes, you can be sure you're not making any friends. Oh, and try to clean up after yourself while you're at it, please.

Known as: The Million Decibel Baby

They say that silence is golden. And that doesn't only apply at the library! So, why not practice some of it at the office? But no, some people just can’t get out of their Roadside Romeo personality. They occasionally feel the need to whistle, scream, sing cheesy songs and even sigh loudly! Why? Simply because they need attention.

Known as: The Dream-Catcher

"You may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one." Yes, John Lennon was a poet. But he meant real dreams about society becoming a better place. Not about you driving to work naked or having a conversation with a spoon or any other crazy thing your brain decided to cook up the night before. The only person who thinks that's interesting is, unfortunately, you.

Known as: Miss Wafts-into-the-Room

And then there's the climate haters.
Shouldn't someone tell them to take the environment more seriously and kindly not choke people with their expensive perfume? You have to wonder how they can stand to be around themselves for so long.

Known as: The Spammer

Last but not least, there are those people who just don't understand work email integrity and keep sending supposedly funny things to their colleagues' inboxes. This sort of behaviour begs two important questions. Firstly, why are they so keen to let everyone know that they aren't actually doing any work? Secondly, why do they assume that we are all incapable of finding our own internet laughs? We all know about Buzzfeed and LOLCats, thank you very much.

The list goes on.
In the end we all know that people aren't perfect, and even those we love are likely to get on our nerves every once in a while. But if you find yourself getting a lot of eye-rolls and exasperated sighs from your colleagues, you may want to read through this list again and make sure you aren't the one driving your colleagues crazy. What goes around comes around, after all.

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