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Train the trainer (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
At some point in your life you will have attended a training course or workshop, but what happens when you...
Bite-sized sales training (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
If you’re looking for a short, sharp high-impact intervention that will help motivate and inspire your sales team then a...
Fraud (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
Fraud should not happen, but it does. It can happen at the highest to lowest levels in an organisation. Recent...
MHFA Refresher (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
If you are a Mental Health First Aider or MHFA Champion you have skills for life that support you and...
Minute taking (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
Meetings are a fact of working life – both virtual and physical meetings. Recording the key points from meetings is...
R&D project management (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
R&D work is often carried out in entrepreneurial companies with the aim of developing solutions to scientific or technological problems...
Project review (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
All organisations today operate in an environment of constant and rapid change. Managing this change effectively is often achieved through...
Specification writing (introduction) (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
This intensive one-day training programme has been developed to help those involved in producing specifications create high quality documents in...
Contract management for practitioners (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
This two-day programme gives the key insights and understanding of contracting principles and the impact they have on business and...
New business and lead generation (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
Generating new leads and new business can be both time-consuming and frustrating. It’s not easy – it takes skill, careful...
Creating effective specifications (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
High quality specifications are of paramount importance in achieving the right technical performance and value for money. This long-established training...
The ‘people side’ of projects (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
Running a successful project requires skills in planning, budgeting, tracking deliverables and stakeholder management. An area that can be neglected...
Teams (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
Developing the high performing team takes time and effort. But above all, it requires an understanding of the dynamics of...
Motivating people – skills for managers (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
This training day will help managers explore what they need to do to create a motivating environment at work and...
Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider®) (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider®) is an internationally recognised training course that teaches people how to spot the signs and...
Environmental legislation (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
A thorough account of the UK and European legal framework and its requirements as regards managing environmental performance....
Report writing (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
This very practical session is designed to enable participants to improve the impact, clarity and accuracy of their reports. It...
Word – introduction (In-House)
The In-House Training Company
Corporate Training for Teams
Multiple (2)
Virtual Classroom, In Company
This one-day workshop is designed to give participants an understanding of the fundamentals of Microsoft Word and its commands, with...