Cross Cultural Business Skills Training & Courses

Cross Cultural awareness is critical to any organisation operating in a globalised context. Intercultural training provides companies with the opportunity bridge the gap between differing styles, allowing them to transcend cultural borders in a way that is cognisant and conducive to success. 
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More about Cross Cultural Business Skills Training & Courses

Training courses in Cultural Awareness

Cross-Cultural Training for Intercultural Business Relationships

In today's increasingly globalised business environment, the ability to effectively communicate across cultures is invaluable. Cross cultural awareness refers not only to the technical skills used to communicate, such as language, but the understanding of differing cultural norms and standards of etiquette. Both these technical and soft skills can be used to break down cultural barriers and conduct collaborative business across cultural lines. 

We are in constant communication in our everyday lives and it is easy to take for granted that we are acclimated to the behavioural norms of our society. When dealing with persons, groups and businesses from another culture, these differences and our ineptitudes in dealing with them become obvious. As international operations become the norm of business, intercultural communication skills become vital to business success. As such, better understanding of the culture you aim to conduct business will avoid misunderstandings, increase the rate of success and improve your cross cultural experience.

Cultural Communication training courses

Training courses in Cross Cultrual Awareness

Cross Cultural Skills training and courses relate skills in communication, behavioural tendencies, etiquette, business practices and important features of multi-cultural societies, such as the UK. Training and courses are often suitable for both business professionals and private individuals who have a general interest in communication and cultural encounters.

In addition, Training and courses in cross cultural skills enable delegates to become considerate and understanding in business relations between differing cultures as well as effectively managing cross-cultural projects. Intercultural training is available in different formats, and designed to suit the circumstances and needs of each individual, group, team or company From open courses where you will meet other delegates, to company-specific training which can be tailored to your organisation, to distance learning courses that can be completed anywhere in the world, you will find the right course for you.

Language courses

To improve your cross-cultural business relationships, you may be required to learn a new language. If this seems daunting, training is often provided in terms of business language, providing a convenient and efficient solution to learning a new language purely for business purposes such as hosting a meeting, contacting suppliers, etc.